Pregnancy Care
Our dentist and team are committed to making sure your oral needs are taken care of during your pregnancy. Routine dental care is safe during pregnancy and important for the health of your baby. You are more likely to have tooth and gum problems while pregnant, which can lead to increased chances of premature birth and/or low birth weight of your baby. Maintain regular brushing and flossing habits in order to sustain proper oral health throughout your pregnancy. To learn more about pregnancy care in Spokane, Washington, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Michelle Metcalf, please contact our office today at (509) 747-4242!
We recommend making an appointment at our practice before getting pregnant so we can make sure your mouth is healthy and ready for your pregnancy. Your oral health can have an impact on the health of your baby, and our dentist and team want you to have the healthiest pregnancy (and baby) as possible!
Hormones during your pregnancy can also affect your oral health. If you are concerned that you may have gum disease, pregnancy gingivitis, or pregnancy tumors, Dr. Michelle Metcalf can help to alleviate those worries and diagnose any problems that you may have. To make an appointment with our dentist, or to learn more about dental care during pregnancy, please contact our office.